My Uncle John
My father was a great man, and I love him dearly. But I am not going to talk about him today. As close as any man can get to but not be my father is my Uncle John. He is family, and I have some wonderful other Uncles. But he showed his love for others both family and friend alike ever since I have known him. And that has always included me. Now John is not ever actively gone to church but has taught me more about my own beliefs than almost any other man. I had never witnessed or heard about a time when someone was in need he did not do what he could for them, even when the person in need was not living the lifestyle he thought they should. I have never heard a false statement cross his lips. And for a man who compared to me is small in stature he has time and time again shown himself to be a man that has a much larger heart than any man I know. My Uncle John has always been a father-like figure to me, and I have always felt like we have a very special relationship, and we do. But I ...