Faith and Miracles!
I don't know what has happened but I have stopped having faith recently. I didn't lose my faith that would eventually come if I don't change myself now, I stopped. Almost like riding a bike up a hill, instead of riding on and pushing up the incline. I have the bike still, I can still pedal, but to move means to get started again and that is always harder to do in the middle of the hill. Now I still have my testimony in things, my church, my Savior. But I have stopped, my faith has stopped; or at least it did until recently. And just like a muscle, if not growing it is dying. As I just said getting started can be tricky especially after you have been moving and have put on the brakes. It is well known a car uses more energy getting itself up to 60 mph than it does to maintain it. So how do I get my faith working and growing again? I am sure I am not the first to be where I am and I know I will not be the Last. As a young missionary serving my church in Austra...