
Showing posts from January, 2020

The Secret of Happiness from a Dog

When your loved ones come home, always run to greet them. Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride. Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure Ecstasy. Take naps. Stretch before rising. Run, romp, and play daily. Thrive on attention and let people touch you. Avoid biting when a simple growl will do. On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass. On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree. When you’re happy, dance around and wag your entire body. Delight in the simple joy of a long walk. Be faithful. Never pretend to be something you’re not. If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it. When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by, and nuzzle them gently. That's the secret of happiness that we can learn from a good dog.

Sam's Club

Going to Sams club is it's own little inclusive experience. There is an anticipation that sometimes take the form of excitement and others dread. There are things to do, eat and see. You can see people of all walks of life. Everyone is trying to save money by spending it. Who would have ever thought to cram thirty pounds of little chocolate cookies next to the car floor mats and crate of eggs in my cart. If shipping in a normal store is a sprint then shopping at Sams is a marathon. They even have little stations along the way to replenish and nourish. It’s a good thing too because I need that cup of peanuts and half of a chicken nugget to keep me going. After it all over they even provide an area to celebrate and feast. Can I get another 1.50 hot dog please?

Geeks - from Mans Best Friend

Neon colors were out, brown was in. Levi jackets were out, flannel was in. Guns and Roses, Ozzy Osborn, and Metallica released albums that some would consider their most commercial. Nirvana, Soundgarden and Pearl Jam, were disrupting the airwaves. And nerds were still not cool. To some nerds, geeks, and dorks are all the same. But there are many levels of gradation between dorks and geeks. One could consider nerds to be the general term, dorks and geeks are more specific. All geeks and dorks are nerds, but all nerds are not necessarily dorks or geeks. There are the geeks which usually represented the technology based nerds. Computer geeks, science geek, electronics geeks or any other specialized group of nerds based on a love of science and/or technology. Dorks were often the hardest to pin down, they usually spoke in their own language that sounded like something out of the Lord of the Rings, or Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. They may obsess about some comic book, or movie, or...

Man's Best Friend

It was called simply “The Sand Hills”, not the most imaginative of names. But it might as well have been another planet. To the kids of south Ogden The Sand Hills was, the desserts of Tatooine, the Jungles of Africa and Asia, or the battlefields of Middle Earth. The Sand Hills were the center of the collective imaginations of many childhood friends and enemies. Alan and his three friends Brandon, Scott, and John scurried over the creek and out of the suburbs into the world of imagination. The scrub oak nearest the creek opened up to the lower weed covered hills. As they hiked and saw the larger sand covered area, which gave the vacant undeveloped land their name, they heard a sound. It was a simultaneous cry with surrounding laughter. The cry was unmistakable. It was a dog in distress. The laughter shattered the cry with a vicious cable that could only be multiple voices. The boys ran toward the sound, and crested the little blue to witness a dog in the center of a clearing of scrub oa...