Andrew Mair
Scene 1
Good evening...you are not really here. You think I'm kidding?
You are all a creation of my mind... Ok don't believe me.
But there are philosophers out there that believe that the only thing we can truly be sure of is our own mind.  Everything else is just imagination.
Everything else is unsure.
So here I am speaking to an audience.
An audience I'm convinced doesn't really exist except here in mind.
So it begs the question of whether I am breaking down the forth wall when i speak to you.
The forth wall? You know what the forth wall is?
It is that imaginary wall that divides the players
onstage from the audience. But since I created you
with my mind I must simply be delivering a soliloquy.
Is that what you are thinking?
That I'm narcissistic? Oh my dear friends, (aside) of my own creation. You have no idea...
So we will get to that I promise, but we are running out of time. And while I know I created you,
you wonderful figments of my imagination,
I know if I don't move this story along you will all get bored.  Because I'm getting bored.2.
I'm trying to figure out how it all went wrong. My life I mean.
It was perfect the way it was.
It was that class, that stupid art class. The one
where I met her. I mean i wouldn't have even gone to the class if it wasn't for her.
Well that and the fact that I clocked my boss across the face. Six weeks of anger management at the local community center, and it was on the last day... (Walks to the rear of a forming line of anger management group members)
Alright here is your certificates...
Several other anger management group members grab theirs and start to leave, leaving Markus last.
you know i hesitate to give this to you. (Withholding it) I'm not sure you really learned to control that temper. Especially judging by how you took care of my ficus last week.
What do you mean?
Well after our group sharing exercise you tore all available branches off except one right at the top, the one with just one leaf. I think it could be charlie Browns Christmas tree at this point    
...But aside from the three pencils you crushed while we've been talking. You seem to show some improvement from last week. So I figure some improvement is better than no improvement...besides I dont think I could handle another six weeks...
Markus doesn't listen he is distracted by Cameron entering.
Enter Cameron, holding a large amount of art supply's and a plate of brownies.

Great I'm just glad to get...
Cameron drops everything, as Adam enters, Adam instinctively saves the Brownies as everything else including Cameron tumble to the floor.
Whew...they almost fell... (immediately taking one brownie and begins eating)
Great catch...now can you help me up?
Markus rushes over. Adam continues eating.
Here let me..(Helps her to her feet)
More art students begin entering and helping pick up the supplies.
What is all this stuff?
Paints, Brushes, pencils paper, you know run of the mill art supplies
Both start picking up supplies
I know I mean what's it for?
This is an art class.
Oh I had no idea an art class was next...
That's because for the last six weeks you were out the door before I could even dismiss you...

Markus shrugs off the last statement. The Art
supplies are all picked up and stacked nicely by the students. The students begin taking their seats some at easels some at tables. All with various types and mediums of art, from painting, to sketching, to sculpture.
So now you can stay or go, but it is time to get class rolling.
It was nice to meet you...
Cameron walks over to where Adam has eaten all but one of the brownies, but has managed to set up her easel for her.
Markus just follows her not sure if he should
bolt or stay. His appearance is almost as if he has a rope pulling him from 2 directions, with equal force.
OK we are talking about Emphasis, everything in your piece is directing the viewer to look somewhere, whether you like it or not...
All of the students eyes are on Markus
And apparently until Markus decides what he is doing, our focus is on him.
Markus snaps out of his almost trance, and sits in the closest seat he can find. Next to Darci. Darci slides closer to Markus. Charlotte is sitting on the other side of Darci from Markus, rises quickly and shoves, A male student out of the seat he is in so she can sit next to Markus. The male student crosses with his sketchpad to the only available seat. Cameron looks at the now empty plate of brownies, just as Adam slides the last piece of the last brownie into his mouth.

Did you save any for everyone else?
(With mouth full)
But I did save them! (proud of himself)
Scene 2
Markus moves out to the front of stage L. The
rest of the cast continue with whatever
activities they were doing. Some working hard on their art others trying to look like they are getting ready to start any moment.
OK so I went to art class for a girl. Art
class? Nothing in my life has ever lead me to notice art let alone create it. In kindergarten, the teacher tried to teach me to color, or glue stuff, or cut stuff out. Believe me I don't cut stuff out.
I took the crayons...and while everyone else was
scribbling...I wrote out Einstein's equation of special relativity.
Now thats Art to me. The idea that you can sum up all of existence into symbols and numbers. That is beauty. Its kinda of powerful. Its almost as if it was designed that way...I never have believed in God, but now...i don't know.
You see. (annoyed) everything is changed. She changed it. I never would have considered God, but here I am wondering about it.
Wondering who is God, maybe...(slyly looks at the
audience)...well as I said before I did create you.
Maybe everything is a lie. Its just a story I have created.
Maybe she never existed. Because I made her up. Heck I made up you.

That would be so much easier.
It would be so wonderful if I had made all this
up. Then I could just tell myself it was false and to go back to how I was. Drunk.
Markus sits down at the other table near Adam and Cameron just as Cameron stands up to scope out what others are doing.
Hello my new friend.
Ok what are you selling?
Selling, what do you mean? I'm drawing. You like?
Oh a nice...(looks quickly at the drawing?) What is it?
Its you. I drew you from all the way over here.
It's black and uh... I can't see me anywhere, I can't see anything except black.
You have to squint.
(Markus Squints) Tighter
(Markus looks like he is trying to see the shape in one of those 3D magic Eye picture)
I basically have my eyes closed
Right, you can see it now. (Laughing)

(Realizing he has been duped) Ok. (Laughs a little) I get it.
(has made her way to Darci and Collin,) So what are you girls working on tonight?
Nothing, we keep getting distracted.
Really by what?
Are you kidding? By him? (Looking at Markus)
Only the cutest guy I've ever met. EVER!
You said that about the last 10 guys you dated, until you went on two dates with them, and then you found some amazingly annoying thing that had been there all along...but now you noticed it.
If I were a guy I would start a website warning helpless men about you.
Whatever...I'm a romantic. But I'm a realist to. If it is not going to work out, its time to move on.
All the while you have left in your wake a trail of
broken-hearted men who are now useless to the rest of woman kind.
I guess dating can be scary, your either going to Marry them or break up.
Or Both.
That's why I need to ask Mr Cute out before you do. Mrs. Divorced 3 time before 30.

Mr. Cute?(Laughs)Oh ya I guess he is cute...
I wonder why he is here, MR Gregory said he came from his Anger Group, you know the class before this.
Anger Management. Maybe he is one of those. Hot tempered full of passion sort of guys.
Nah he probably yelled at his secretary once and cried his way all the way to group therapy.
So your not really an artist?
I try, but I only come here because I'm trying to be
with people and learn to speak English better. My name is Adam?
Adam? Really (chuckles)... I'm sorry that sounds so American.
Well that's not how its pronounced in Tunisia, where im from.
How is it pronounced in your language?
Elmontasir Beellaah Elhafsee
OK............. Adam it is. (Both Laugh)
I like you my friend.
That's weird, you don't even know me.

You're a good man, i can tell. You are my friend...
And if not I will kill you! (Pretends to be serious then bursts out in Laughter.)
Cameron makes her way over to Mr Gregory
So uh why was the new guy in your Anger group?
Can't tell you Doctor Patient confidentiality.
Whatever you bought your counseling certificate online.
Well I still won't go into it. But to tell you the
truth anger is not his issue. Alcohol is his issue. He showed up every week but the last week smelling of it. And since then he seems relatively incident free... Ive seen it before he is trying to impress someone. But as soon has he gets her, or loses her he will be right back on the wagon.
Scene 3
Markus step back to address the audience, the students come and go behind him but drawing as little attention as possible.
Just so you know I lied to you...well kinda. I said that I met her because of this class.
That's true. But not that first week when I went. It was the week before.
I had just left Anger Management with a pocket full of ficus leaves.

As I left the community center there she was. Talking to this old bum. You wanna call me a drunk?
But there she was talking to him as if he was her brother.
This was the same guy I slightly kicked as I stepped over him each week.
But now I wanted to trade him places.
He handed her his bottle, trying to be kind and share what he had. She could even get a drunk to part with his liquor. She took it, kindly smiled and I saw her throw it away as she entered.
Huh, she seemed to genuinely care for this creature. I looked at him. Something about him seemed to change. I don't know what. I dismissed it. But I couldn't get her out of my head.
Throughout the next week, I couldn't think of having a drink. And even more interesting, when I arrived at the community center, the old man I loved to kick was gone.
Adam sees Markus talking to himself, and steps out to greet him. The class is in a self paced work mode. Everyone has a project. Darci is trying to use an old lamp to light up a colored glass bowl of fruit. Throughout the scene she keep adjusting int and moving it. but never seems to get it situated just right.
Hey smile my friend, (looks out into the audience searching) who are you talking to?
Uh...no one. I sometimes talk to myself.
Well...come over here I brought some food from my country.
Nah, I'm not hungry.

Hey...come on...
Man, (a little snappy) why can't I not be hungry when I say I'm not hungry.
Because...(seeking for a reason)
...your my friend. (Getting a serious look on his face)
Beside you have to help me. I need you help.
What...what is it.
Today's the day I'm going to ask Cameron out.
On a date?!
Yes...why, shouldn't I?
Well, uh no...I mean yes. I mean. Of course you should.
Why haven't you asked her out before?
I'm shy.
Shy? The man who last night got us into three very
elite clubs where we met some very famous people. And you say your shy?
We met Steven Spielberg for crying out loud.
And Gaga.
ya Lady Gaga too, what is that?

These past few weeks have been a blast man, but why do you put up with me. I mean you drag me out kicking and screaming each night.
(Imitating him)
Yah you are always,'I won't go'...'This is gonna be boring'...
Ha Ha...but you are right, we always have a blast. And I don't even have to drink.
See i told you. Food is much better than drink.
(Everyone looks up from what they are
doing, Adam and Marcus look to see what is going on.)
This is awful. I cat get a good light outside. I can't get a good light in my apartment. And I can't get a good light here. I just can't do this...
Markus and Adam sit down. Cameron heads over to Darci.
Can I help?
Na...I'm just gonna pencil sketch. I can't get this light and color stuff.
Maybe...(takes a step back looking at the
bowl)...Maybe you just need a different perspective.
Rearranges the fruit in a more hap-hazard way outside of the bowl, then using the bowl as a filter covers the fruit and half to bowl with Darci' coat that is hanging on the back of her chair.  Then motions for Darci to look inside, Darci Burt's her head in the coat.

Wow, that actually looks pretty good...(muffled)
...color and light everywhere...beautiful...(pulls her head out) but i can't breath very well.
(Laughs, slightly) I'll get you a snorkel.
Darci puts her head back under. Adam sidles right up to ask Cameron out.
Helllooo...(kinda singsongy from high pitch to low and back up again)
Oh Adam, I was just going to come find you.
Really? (getting his hopes up)
Ya, I wanted to talk to you. I wanted to ask you a favor.
For you...anything. (Matter of factly)
Tell me about your friend, is he nice?
(Disappointed at first but then recovers)
Nice?...uh...I don't want to lie to you...
So, don't, come on you can tell me.
Well, the thing is...uh they way i would put it...

I don't want to lie to you... (starts to walk away)
Fine. (Adam stops) But do you think he would talk to me after class?
Maybe, you can make him smile.    I'll bet he would help you (winking) clean the room when everyone else leaves.
I'm sorry I'm kinda acting like a silly middle school girl who is intrigued by the bad boy from the parking lot huh?
Ha ha... Wel yah kinda... But maybe you can get him to smile I take him out and he just sulks the whole time. But it is nice to have a friend.
You got it.  I'll put him to work. I can't guarantee any smiling though.  I think that's how is face is made.
They both laugh.  The other class members start to pick up and leave.  Adam can be seen speaking to Markus and then Adam exits.
Adam, said you might need a title help?
Well, I'm almost done, but sure.

Oh I see, it's a hint? maneuver a date?
Oh please.

(Coyly) are you trying to


Scene 4
Markus and Cameron enter Stage Right walk stage
L. toward a park bench.
You are definitely not the kind of guy i usually date.
What kind of guy is that?
Well that's true. I don't think I have ever been described as a nice guy.
Smart, driven, angry,
Cocky, (joining in) opinionated, self centered.
Alright alright...
But strangely, human.
Well that's a new one.
I mean look at that class back there.
All of them kinda broken.
You have befriended them. and then there's Adam.
I still cant figure out why he likes me.

I mean from all I can gather he shouldn't give me the time of day. He knows the only reason I'm attending this class is because of you. And I know he has been caring an olympic sized torch for you. Darci says its been going on for months now.
I think he thought he needed me. But he doesn't. He needs you.
Hey wait...I didn't know he...I don't think of guys like...
Come on, that's not what I mean.
No he really needs a friend. Outside of me I have never seen him take to anyone so quickly.
What Adam? Everyone likes Adam. Wherever we go
everyone is always saying hi. We can't go to get a
burger with out find at least three people that call out his name.
Yes, but until you he was always alone. Sure people would say hi, how ya doin. But then they would go their way, and Adam would go his.
Wow, I guess I miss everything. How do you see all this.
I don't know I have just always been able to see
things a little different than others. Like the light back in class. I sometimes find beauty in the strangest things.

Ya that stupid looking lamp with that awful colored
bowl. And you created that...that...well I don't know what to call it but it was beautiful. And that thing you painted last week.
I have never been moved by just paint before.
And not of anyone, or anywhere. It was just different colored paint splashed all over the place.
Splashed all over the place... (Annoyed almost angry, as if he called her butt big)
No, no... you see that's the point. I never knew color had... had emotion.
Like right now you might be a little red.  I didn't know you could get worked up and angry.
Red us not angry.
(Smiles slightly)
Everyone sees you as your idea of red, but i think thats just what you put up. I see you as blue.
Blue? Really?
I think you have different way of looking at things, but different doesn't make you right.
I'm not about this. have you ever heard of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe?
The writer? Faust...yah...he wrote faust.
Very good, you listened to more than just your math and science classes I see.
I had to do a report on Faust...I loved it...I have
never admited that till now, but I still keep my copy.

(Smiles, seeing some break through)
Did you know Goethe was a scientist? (Markus looks surprised)
No really he was into geology, biology, and he studied color? Specifically color and the the emotions it provokes.
Wow, I was almost interested...
Huh, just when I thought you were becoming nice to talk to. (starts heading off stage)
I'm sorry, thats the prick in me...what did he say about color? I suppose you are talking about blue?
He said blue is is powerful but it is kind of on the negative side. He said blue was negative but stimulateing, kind of a contradiction between excitement and repose.
I don't like blue. I'd rather be Red, or yellow, or green. Come on I don't want to be blue.
You don't have to stay blue.
She says as yellowish green as she can.
Oh your right, I am green, today, tommorrow i''l be red, and orange.
And white?
No I don't think I will be white.
No I think I will always have a little color.

Why do you just fascinate me?
I don't know you don't even know me.
But I do. (Cameron stares at him)No really I do. It as if I have always known you. But everything about you shakes my thinking.
You're too kind (sarcastically)
Everything.. the way you dress... the way you think...and your art...who paints light?
Well actually there is a whole movement, Impressionism.
Although Im not an impressionist...
Of course there is...
I could never look at the world your way.
The world is just the world, the light is just what happens to it. It is just the effects of the sun.
No...light is its own bringer of truth. I paint not just the light, but the light that has reflected off or filtered through something, or someone. When light does that. It pulls the beauty of them with it. I don't paint light I paint the soul things.
You say that as if you were the mother to everything.
As if the totality of man, beast and matter could be wrapped and swaddled up in your arms.  I know you see the same ugly world I do. but somehow you see it through a mothers eyes.

(Looking deeply at Markus, Markus not                                       wanting to fully look at her) I don't see you as a mother would...
Maybe thats for the best... (steps closer)                                    (They kiss)
Scene 5
I didn't want that kiss to end. But then I thought. I also didn't want that moment to turn into one of those sloppy drawn out kisses of a 16 year old boy. Good thing girls have hormones too, or us guys would never get kissed again.
I put her in a cab. and only after she was gone did I realize. I would have to wait to till class to see her again. I didn't know where she lived I didn't have her cell.
So all I have had to do this last week is think. Not in the way im used to.
SO I created You. You are my children. My minions. My disciples.
Don't thinks so?
Apparently you have sat there listening to me carry on for the last 30 minutes. And I haven't even heard any complaint. How's  that for narcissistic?
But is this my soliloquy? Or is it a monologue. If its a soliloquy it would mean everything is in my head and everything revolves around me. If its a monologue then I at least am venturing out of my head, if its a monologue maybe i din't create you. Wait if I didn't create you what are you doing here?
(Walks a little ways to the center of the stage)

I will just have to wait for class. I don't know what is different. But something is. I want to tell her what it is, but I think she will know. She is that way. She sees things different than other people.
Scene 6
The class room, Darci, Collin, and several class members are decorating the room and setting up tables.
It was nice wasn't it?
Yes very.
I never know what to do with myself in church. I feel like everyone is judging me, yet I feel like I belong all at the same time.
Thats because you are judging everyone else, so you fit right in. (Collin shoots Darci a look, but Darci smiles back, they both laugh slightly then embrace. MrGregory comes in and joins in the hug. They all are crying.)
I hate funerals.
But Im glad we went. If only for Adam.
Poor Adam, man is he taking this hard.
Shouldn't we just put up a sign that says class is
canceled this week, and give a phone number for people to call and find out.

I don't want to tell people that way. I have addresses for everyone that registered but no phone numbers. Besides, funerals are more for family... but, this is kind of like a family, we need each other.    (Adam enters)
Helloooo, my friends...(He hugs Mr Gregory then speaks softly)are we all here?  Who's missing.
No we are not sure who is coming or not.
Well lets go find them. We lost a friend. Let go get them, they must know. (Markus enters)
There you are...(Adam grabs and hugs Markus, Markus is dumbfounded)
Everything will be fine my friend. You are my Brother.
Sure...ya...everything will be fine. Whats going on.
We weren't for sure but I figured you hadn't heard.
I know you weren't in this class very long, but we still consider part of our little art family.
Nice...Thank you?...Heard?...heard what.
Markus, come here. (Markus steps toward Mr./Mrs
Gregory, everyone else moves back and half heartedly pretends to set up)
We have had misfortune bear its ugly head.
What?...now quit dragging things on. it doesn't make it better. Who died?

Cameron was in an accident last week.
Last week?!
Sometime after class.
It was a week ago? the night of class? (Markus is stunned)
I was hoping we could hold a little memorial.
(Markus says nothing but follows as Mr Gregory walks back toward the class members)
I used to sit with Carmen and we would play the color game as the different members of this class would come in. She gave me Goethe's theory of Color as a gift for my birthday. Goethe believed that all color held emotion.
It was always fun to guess what color each of you were as you had good and bad happen in your lives. I knew of no one who had more light and color than Cameron. She was my friend, my sister, my muse. For when we would speak of art with each other we would find new ways to appreciate it.
She called me her teacher, but she was mine. She
taught me more about beauty and friendship than anyone since my own dear mother...
Well its all false!!! Its crap. It means nothing!!!
you think that color has any emotion or power to do anything. As i told her last week, light is what happens to us. Light, and color eventually fade away. Darkness is whats real. Darkness is where everything began and where everything will end.
My friend...
I'm not your friend...
I don't know why you ever thought I could be your
friend. You don't need friends...its ok to be alone.
Thats all you can count on anyway!
Class members stand stunned, and emotional. No
one knows what to say. Darci finally steps out to speak.
Markus is still loved here, but I cannot let that be
the last word. Cameron also taught me about color. She did it with her Art, her words and with her life. She showed in her life that it was ok to be blue one day or red the next. That often love can encompass all the colors. She told me that some people think black encompasses all colors, but she believed it was Red. Red is not the color of anger, it is the color of passion and of love. I know of no other person that was redder than Cameron.
Cameron told me once, that light and darkness,
brightness and obscurity, or light and the absence of light, are necessary for color.
Gods may be in the light, Devils may be in the
darkness. But we my friends are full of life and color.

Scene 7
Marcus addresses the audience.
I've never even tried to draw before I came here. My life is one of logic. 1+1=2, e=mc squared. But then you artists you dreamers have to say look from another view. I always thought there was one view. Until I realized that 1=1 but also 1=. 99999999999 infinity.
How is there logic in infinity. How is there light in infinity. I can see only darkness.
Markus sits down at the bar that has appeared behind him. He is not drinking just nursing a shot. It will have been his first drink, since meeting Cameron.
Is there something wrong with that? Its been over an hour. Did I get an eyelash in it?
No its just fine. (Lifts the glass looks at it, is about to drink) huh...there is an eyelash in here.
you sure you want another? I mean I'm about ready to kick you out for NOT drinking. Usually its the other way around. Bars are weird they are the only establishment I know that will kick you out for buy to much of their product.
(Looks for more glasses)
Just a second I got to get more glasses from the
back. I don't have any wash help so I have extra clean ones in the back. When I run out I close. (goes through the door) This light back here is kinda distracting so I usually keep it off when I'm not back here.
Waitress flips the light on, as she enters the kitchen a beam of light bounces across the bar and turns the dark bar into a light bathed picture
Markus looks around and is reminded of Cameron's light obsession.
Starts looking for something.

Hey...Do you have any paper?
Waitress re-enters with a bus tub of glasses sets them on the Bar
Ya there is some under the register.
Waitress heads back out to turn the light back off
Could you leave that light on?
Fine by me, this place is to dark anyway. My third
husband always said we should have more light, but the drinkers always want it dark and gloomy.
Third husband? (walks around to the register)
Here let me get that for you. (walks over to get some paper)
Do you have a pencil (Waitress pulls a pencil from behind her ear) Thank you. (Markus sits down and starts to draw) How many husbands have you had?
Markus starts frantically sketching, while Wairess carrys on.
Only five, but my third husband was my favorite. I
divorced all the rest, couldn't stand em. But I can't help but think I like them at first. Usually I find something annoying about em and that turns into hating them. Hating them turns into loathing them, and some how er other I end up divorcing them. Its to bad I always see the thing I hate about them while we are dating I just figure I can learn to live with it. You know I used to say dating can be scary you either break up with them or marry them, or both. Except my

third husband, Jerry. Jerry was my favorite. Have to
say he was my best friend. Made me look at things in a way I'd never seen before...
Markus keeps sketching away. Waitress finally realizes that Markus is completely focused on drawing.
Hey would you like that other drink?
Uh what did you say? (Finally looks up) No, no, are you going to kick me out?
Nah, there's no one else here I like feeling like there is someone else here.
Markus acknowledges the audience. And starts to step away from the bar set.
I spent a long time trying to capture the light that I saw streaming across the bar.
But I only had a pencil.  And I needed some color.  So I left, realizing I didn't need a drink.
I needed color.  I needed her.
I was looking for anything I bought some crayons at a service station.
It was like I needed a fix.
But just like Nyquil to my alchol adiction, The crayons weren't enough.
I sat down on a bench unsatisfied I wanted to find color. Any color.  I wanted to find her.
And all I could find was the twilight sky. There was almost a deep red transitioning to just a hint of orange.  And then this deep almost meloncoly blue.





I could almost hear her...'that is you.' I could hear he say,  'The whole sky.  That is you'

Well...maybe that is me.




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