
Showing posts from 2012

If You’re Worried and You can’t Sleep.

Bullets flew as evil forces rushed in and dashed the dreams and snuffed out the precious lives of children and the teachers that cared for them.  This stood as one of the most shocking events in quite some time.   And the destruction of these little ones expounded the horror into a new realm.  The shootings in Connecticut this year stand to remind us there is still evil in the world.  One of my favorite hymns is still poignant “for hate is strong and mocks the song of peace on earth good will to men.”  Sometimes it seems “there is no peace on earth”.  If you look for it, even on years when there isn’t a tragic event like this that takes place, there is and always will be evil in the world.  So how can you ever have a Merry Christmas with so much hate and pain and strife?  A simple song has been ever present in my head this year.  And it is not a Christmas carol.  It is from one of my favorite Christmas movies, “White Christm...

Let the Amen Sum All Our Praises

I have been moved by this statement as of late. About a month ago I was asked to be part of a multi-stake choir to sing for the priesthood session of general conference. Of course, I said yes. Because the actual experience of singing during a worldwide conference was a once in a lifetime opportunity. Yet I did not look forward to singing in a choir that big and to the rehearsals. I guess I had a bad attitude and I needed to be taught some new virtues. You see I don't like big choirs because they don't like it when I do things to stand out. I love theater because even with a small role there are always opportunities to stand out. And if not I make the opportunity. That is not the case with a large choir especially one that will sing before the world like at general conference. In fact, great effort is made to unify each individuals appearance and especially their vocal quality. I have always been a "look at me" kind of person. So it is uncomfortable for me to sit...

Please Be Careful

            On January 18th, 2011, only short time ago, a massive internet protest ensued.   Some of the largest and most used internet sites went dark for 24 hours, including Wikipedia and Reddit, to bring attention to the movement against the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Protect IP Act (PIPA), two acts designed to protect owners of copyrights from the possibility of intellectual robbery.   Wikipedia, Google, and many others feel that while they understand the need to stop piracy of intellectual property, these bills go too far and begin to censor ideas and knowledge.   I stand with these groups that oppose these controversial laws because I fear that while these laws are designed to protect creativity and expression from so-called “pirates”, the laws themselves give the government powers that could be used to restrict our freedom of speech.   As a citizen of the United States, freedom of speech should ...

Well I guess I found something!

I have been looking for something to write about the last few days. I have missed 2 days now of my goal for lack of ideas. Last night an event happened that will more than make up for my missed opportunities. Last evening around 9:45 pm while police was serving a search warrant on 3268 Jackson Ave. a gunfight ensued. The aftermath has left one police officer dead, and five others seriously wounded. While standing outside watching all the news, CSI, and Police vehicles, my neighbor who reads this blog asked if I was going to write about what happened. And I told her that I thought I would but I was struggling with what I would say. I usually start these posts with the end in mind, but I am just not exactly sure where this one will go. So I guess I will write this from the beginning. I was helping a friend work on his house, when I received a text from my wife it read, “There is serious gunfire going on outside our house”. I didn’t even think I jumped in my car to come home. I i...

My First Drivel

I have several items I want to write about today. However each of them take much more time than I have. So tonight is my first night I will just write about whatever. I hope to this less and less but I still want to reach my goal. I will say that I am touched by the comments I have received about my posts. I state very clearly that this blog is mostly for me however I am grateful for those who have taken time to read it. And even though I only have a few followers. I usually get more comments from people who are not official followers than I do from those that do follow. I like that what I write gets read. Even if I write it for me. I am not someone who can express myself for my own sake only. I am a look at me type person and I love it when others do. So thank you!

Something to Write About

By Andrew Mair on 1/1/12 I have a new goal!   It is pretty general, to write more.   But I do have a sub-goal, for the next thirty days I will write a minimum of a paragraph a day.   I have over the last year written a blog entry from time to time, usually when my emotions are on the surface.   Finding something to write about daily will be a difficult task. Sure I could write about drivel, but I don’t want to write about drivel.   I fear that in the next thirty days lots of drivel will be posted.   So I apologize in advance.   My hope is that as a do this every day I will become a better writer, and I will learn to look for things to write about.   I feel so many fulfillments from writing that I need to train myself to be better. So today I am not going to let myself have this explanation of what I’m doing be my post.   That would be the cheap way out.   I have the motivation I need to start well.   I have been racking my...