It was the seventh Grade. Aaron and Brandon were in Art class.

It was the seventh Grade. Aaron and Brandon were in Art class.

Art class was unlike any other class. Not simply because students were forced to do Art instead of something mundane and asinine like math. but because it was sort of a free for all of tables and chairs that constantly changed. Sometimes it felt more like how one finds a seat in the lunch room. Looking first for your closest friends and then taking ever worsening options until some days you end up sitting alone. In Junior high school not sharing a lunch period with your friends relegated a Nerd to utter obscurity, even more so than usual.

Brandon and Aaron, engined up spitting near Gerald, another student on the fringe of popular society. And for some reason Cody sat next to them as well. Cody was constantly talking about, his physical fighting prowess. He recently moved from another school and had story after story of fights, and rumbles and all out student civil wars. The school he came from was portrayed as a student jungle. A school students and teachers lived in fear just moving class to class. And Cody always described himself as the most courageous, most Adel and successful fighter in this demilitarized zone of a school.

In reality the school was not far distant than Southern City Junior High. But Cody’s cry’s for attention world on several of the other kids in Art class. Aaron, who tried hard to dismiss what he was saying as fluff, was secretly intrigued.


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