There I was, just standing there, when what I wanted to do was forbidden.

There I was, just standing there, when what I wanted to do was forbidden. I wanted to love my best friend but wondered how.

They say that integrity is when you follow what you profess when no one is looking. I have spent my life in pursuit of this ideal.

Now, I questioned everything. My faith, my love, my life, even my own heart. By embracing what I have always thought as evil, I may be throwing away everything.

I asked myself, how did you feel about him before, does this change how you feel about him now? The answer was a resounding, no!

It took less than a second for my brain to wrap itself around a new ideal, and even less time for me to realize that everything and nothing changed in this instant. The instant when Mark told me, “I think I’m Gay.”

It’s not like I was very surprised. People had been asking me if he was gay for years, behind his back of course. And even though I wondered myself, I would always say, “Mark is gay, when and if he says he’s gay.”

As the days, weeks, months and years progressed. I have been put in similar positions again and again. Confronting something I do not understand and deciding whether or not I will show love.

I want to say that I have always lived up to the challenge, except I cannot. But I can say, on the whole, that the reactions I chose changed me, and educated me.


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