Aaron and Brandon are waiting for the others to arrive.

Aaron and Brandon are waiting for the others to arrive. It has been 10 years since they have all been together in the same room.

Aaron and Brandon catch up, and talk about life and work.

John arrives and not much changes, it seems as the silly friends have out grown their antics from childhood

But as Scott arrives the jokes start flying the memories are shared and silliness ensues.

THe boys visit the grave of the baseball they buried. They pay homage to baseball boy the boy with no clothes. They laugh and joke, and just as they are going to step away, Aaron stumbles. Brandon and John Catch him. And say something like, “oops, that’s why we are here.” And Aaron say’s “yeah but I was hoping I could make through this day at least without needing help”

IT Aarons birthday, and Brandon, Scott, and John come bearing gifts. Aaron is being pushed in a wheelchair to the back of his former house where buddy is buried. Aaron tells his friends that they have been a mans best friends. The boys talk about buddy and JOhn and Brandon produce a rescue dog that they call Buddy. “He’s both of ours,” Brandon says, “I know you always wanted to have a kid with me.”


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